David Montague and Raye Montague

UA Little Rock to honor ‘Hidden Figure’ Raye Montague with 10th annual Fribourgh Award

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will celebrate the life and achievements of the late Dr. Raye Jean Jordan Montague at the 10th annual Fribourgh Awards Reception Thursday, Oct. 10. Continue reading “UA Little Rock to honor ‘Hidden Figure’ Raye Montague with 10th annual Fribourgh Award”

The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, based at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will host a free webcast to help entrepreneurs learn about Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding available through the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense.

ASBTDC to host webcast to help innovative small businesses apply for U.S. Navy grants

The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, based at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will host a free webcast to help entrepreneurs learn about Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding available through the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense. Continue reading “ASBTDC to host webcast to help innovative small businesses apply for U.S. Navy grants”

David Montague and Raye Montague

Montague mother and son duo say education is the key to breaking barriers

David Montague, director of eLearning and professor of criminal justice at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, grew up believing in education.  Continue reading “Montague mother and son duo say education is the key to breaking barriers”