UAPB Chancellor Laurence Alexander (left) and Bowen Dean Theresa Beiner (right) sign an agreement to create a 4+3 pipeline agreement between the schools. Photo by Richard Redus.

UA Little Rock Bowen Law School, UAPB create pipeline program

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff have created a 4+3 pipeline program to help undergraduate students earn a law degree. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Bowen Law School, UAPB create pipeline program”

Mandy Hull

Associate general counsel named UA Little Rock’s new head of human resources

University of Arkansas at Little Rock Chancellor Christina Drale has announced the appointment of Mandy Hull, associate general counsel for the University of Arkansas System, as associate vice chancellor of human resources and policy advisor to the chancellor, effective Nov. 11.  Continue reading “Associate general counsel named UA Little Rock’s new head of human resources”

Dr. Christina Drale

Drale named chancellor at UA Little Rock

The Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas today unanimously accepted UA System President Dr. Donald R. Bobbitt’s recommendation to name Christina Drale, Ph.D., chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Continue reading “Drale named chancellor at UA Little Rock”

Drale named acting chancellor of UA Little Rock 

University of Arkansas System President Dr. Donald R. Bobbitt today named Christina Drale, Ph.D., acting chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Drale has served as interim executive vice chancellor and provost of the campus since October 2018.  Continue reading “Drale named acting chancellor of UA Little Rock “

Rogerson to Step Down as UA Little Rock Chancellor

University of Arkansas at Little Rock Chancellor Dr. Andrew Rogerson today announced that he will step down from the position, effective Sept. 1, after three years serving in the role. Continue reading “Rogerson to Step Down as UA Little Rock Chancellor”