$2.25 million gift to UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture to help secure Rockefeller legacy in Arkansas

The Winthrop Rockefeller Charitable Trust has gifted $2.25 million to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture to preserve and educate the public about the history of Arkansas, including the notable contributions of Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller.  Continue reading “$2.25 million gift to UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture to help secure Rockefeller legacy in Arkansas”

Photo composite of UA Little Rock graduate student Nora Bouzihay who studied in Dubai

UA Little Rock student selected for minority women business owner accelerator program

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock student has been selected for a competitive new entrepreneur accelerator program for early-stage, minority, and women-owned businesses in Arkansas.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock student selected for minority women business owner accelerator program”

Eviction is cause, not just symptom, of poverty, author says

Princeton University professor and social scientist Matthew Desmond visited the University of Arkansas at Little Rock on Nov. 13 to discuss his Pulitzer Prize winning book “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City,” which examines the impact of eviction on the lives of the urban poor and its role in perpetuating racial and economic inequality. Continue reading “Eviction is cause, not just symptom, of poverty, author says”