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UA Little Rock Graduate Secures Bright Future with New Role

Photo of Adam Perry by Ahmed Elkhattabi.
Photo of Adam Perry by Ahmed Elkhattabi.

A graduating University of Arkansas at Little Rock student is starting the next chapter of his life on a high note as he is graduating with a great position for the company he’s been interning with for the past year.

Senior Adam Perry, a native of Bryant, is graduating this semester with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a minor in mathematics.

“I feel amazing!” Perry remarked. “I had some high school credits coming into UA Little Rock, so I am graduating a semester early. I have an apartment and a full-time job lined up, so I am ready. I am ready to celebrate this graduation as the pandemic shut down my high school graduation in 2020.”

Perry has been interested in computer science as a career path after taking computer science classes for three years at Bryant High School. His high school teacher recommended UA Little Rock as a good place to study computer science, and Perry was already familiar with the campus as his father and sister are alumni of the university. He described his experience at UA Little Rock as “amazing.”

Photo of Adam Perry by Ahmed Elkhattabi.
Photo of Adam Perry by Ahmed Elkhattabi.

“It was a little rough in the beginning because of the pandemic,” Perry remembered. “As soon as I could move on campus after the first year of being home, it was awesome. I love my roommates, and I was able to get connected with clubs like the Baptist Collegiate Ministry and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The classes have been pretty good, and I feel like I’ve learned a great base knowledge to push my career forward.”

At UA Little Rock, Perry served as president of the ACM, a research assistant in the Emerging Analytics Center, an ambassador for the Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and a founder of the UA Little Rocket League Esports team. He was inspired to start the league after participating in the Rocket League Esports team and becoming a state champion while at Bryant High School.

Dr. Albert Baker, chair of the Department of Computer Science, has been teaching Perry’s capstone project course this semester and sees nothing but bright things in his future.

“It’s been my pleasure to have Adam as a student in the Capstone Project class this fall,” Baker said. “Teams are developing a web application that provides a graphic representation of employers and employees. Adam’s team is producing an excellent prototype web application leveraging a graphics library. Adam is going to be a valuable contributor to any enterprise fortunate enough to engage his services.”

This summer, Perry began an internship at Southwest Power Pool, where he has been working on password automation, website security, and web application development. The company has been so impressed with his work that Perry’s internship was extended through the fall semester, and he will begin a full-time position as a programmer in January.