The 2023 Campus Campaign Steering Committee and Ambassadors meet in the Bailey Alumni Center. Photo by Ahmed Elkhattabi.

Spirit of Giving: UA Little Rock Surpasses Campus Campaign Goal

UA Little Rock employees demonstrated their generosity during 2023 by donating more than $156,000 to the university. Faculty and staff achieved a momentous victory in the 2023 Campus Campaign, surpassing the campaign goal of 30 percent participation. Continue reading “Spirit of Giving: UA Little Rock Surpasses Campus Campaign Goal”

During the summer of 2023, a group of students from the UA Little Rock School of Art and Design traveled to Paris as part of the Paris Studio Experience class.

UA Little Rock to Host Paris Studio Experience Exhibition

A group of students from the UA Little Rock School of Art and Design took a once-in-a-lifetime study abroad class to Paris this summer, and that trip is now the inspiration for an art exhibition at UA Little Rock. Continue reading “UA Little Rock to Host Paris Studio Experience Exhibition”

Isabella Miller spent this summer in Scotland, where she studied the history, mythology, and folklore of the Celtic religion.

Miller Explores Mysterious Mythology and Folklore in Scotland

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock student had a mysterious summer studying Celtic history, mythology, and folklore during a summer study abroad experience in Scotland. Continue reading “Miller Explores Mysterious Mythology and Folklore in Scotland”

Makayla Allman

UA Little Rock Graduate to Share Entertainment Skills at Happiest Place on Earth

Makayla Allman, a recent graduate of UA Little Rock, will soon be sharing her entertainment skills with the millions of people who annually visit the happiest place on Earth. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Graduate to Share Entertainment Skills at Happiest Place on Earth”

UA Little Rock nursing professor Josy Nduku is the chair of the Board of Directors for a new elementary school in Cameroon, Africa which she is helping to create.

UA Little Rock Nursing Professor Helps Start School in Africa

A UA Little Rock nursing professor is helping to support education in her home country of Cameroon, Africa, by supporting a new school. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Nursing Professor Helps Start School in Africa”

Ben Krain, photographer and videography in the Office of Communications and Marketing, has received the Personal Growth Award. Toni Boyer-Stewart, web marketer and analyst in the Office of Communications and Marketing, has received the Ben Fry Service to UA Little Rock Award. And, Ashely Nipp, accountant in the Alumni and Development Office, has received the Service to Community Award. Each winner will receive $3,000 dollars.

UA Little Rock Honors Boyer, Nipp, Krain with 2023 Staff Achievement Awards

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has honored three of the university’s outstanding staff members for their exceptional work in the areas of service to the university, community service, and personal growth. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Honors Boyer, Nipp, Krain with 2023 Staff Achievement Awards”

Alyssa Smith

Women to Watch at UA Little Rock 2023: Alyssa Smith

In celebration of Women’s History Month, UA Little Rock is profiling women in leadership positions who are making a difference at the university and in the community. Continue reading “Women to Watch at UA Little Rock 2023: Alyssa Smith”

Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, General Wesley Clark, visits with students in the Donaghey Scholars Honors Program. Photo by Benjamin Krain.

Gen. Wesley Clark Visits with UA Little Rock Donaghey Scholars

Gen. Wesley K. Clark, the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, visited the University of Arkansas at Little Rock on Feb. 28 to give some background on current political topics and advice to some of UA Little Rock’s most promising students. Continue reading “Gen. Wesley Clark Visits with UA Little Rock Donaghey Scholars”