Dr. Nitin Agarwal is a member of a pivotal working group launched by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tasked with exploring the safe and effective use of artificial intelligence within Arkansas state government. Photo by Ben Krain.

Nitin Agarwal Joins Statewide Initiative on Safe AI Implementation in Arkansas State Government

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) are proud to announce that Dr. Nitin Agarwal, the Maulden-Entergy Chair and Donaghey Distinguished Professor of Information Science at UA Little Rock and an ARA Fellow, has been named to a pivotal working group launched by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tasked with exploring the safe and effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) within Arkansas state government. Continue reading “Nitin Agarwal Joins Statewide Initiative on Safe AI Implementation in Arkansas State Government”

Dr. Nitin Agarwal

Prof. Nitin Agarwal to be featured in Oct. 2 Arkansas Research Alliance Talk

Dr. Nitin Agarwal, the Maulden-Entergy Chair and Donaghey Distinguished Professor of Information Science at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will be featured in an Oct. 2 discussion of misinformation, disinformation, and AI with the Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA). Continue reading “Prof. Nitin Agarwal to be featured in Oct. 2 Arkansas Research Alliance Talk”

Anulika Nwashili

Graduate Discovers New Calling at UA Little Rock

After studying computer science as an undergraduate student in Nigeria, Anulika Nwashili was intrigued by the prospect of participating in the cutting-edge research taking place at the Collaboratorium for Social Media and Online Behavioral Studies (COSMOS) Research Center at UA Little Rock. Continue reading “Graduate Discovers New Calling at UA Little Rock”

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Talented UA Little Rock Students Awarded Acxiom Diversity Scholarships

Six outstanding students from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock have been selected for the 2023 Acxiom Diversity Scholarship program. Continue reading “Talented UA Little Rock Students Awarded Acxiom Diversity Scholarships”

Dr. Nitin Agarwal

Agarwal Presents Research on Countering Cognitive Threats in the Digital Age at NATO Symposium

Dr. Nitin Agarwal, Maulden-Entergy Chair and Distinguished Professor of Information Science at UA Little Rock, presented his research on cognitive threats at the NATO Science & Technology Organization Symposium on Mitigating and Responding to Cognitive Warfare.  Continue reading “Agarwal Presents Research on Countering Cognitive Threats in the Digital Age at NATO Symposium”

Dr. Nitin Agarwal

COSMOS’ COVID-19 Misinformation Research Featured as Army Success Story

Research on COVID-19 misinformation conducted by Dr. Nitin Agarwal, Maulden-Entergy Chair and Distinguished Professor of Information Science and founding director of the Collaboratorium for Social Media and Online Behavioral Studies (COSMOS) Research Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, has been highlighted as a success story by the U.S. Army Research Office. Continue reading “COSMOS’ COVID-19 Misinformation Research Featured as Army Success Story”