Student Comments

This student comments form is NOT the formal complaint form. To file a formal complaint, please complete this form on the Dean of Students website with as much information as possible.

The form below is merely for student comments and/or concerns for the sole purpose of improving student input in the administrative decision-making process. A separate FORMAL COMPLAINT form must be filled out if you are seeking to file a formal complaint with the university.

The first and foremost priority of the Student Government Association is to the serve students of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. In order to do this, we need to hear from you. If there are things about your experience as a student at UA Little Rock that are working well, tell us. If things are broken, tell us. If there are things you would like to see changed, added, or improved, tell us. Thank you for your time and for helping us make UA Little Rock a better university. Go Trojans!

Student Comment Form

Name (Optional)
Email (Optional)