Child Care Connections

UA Little Rock Child Care Connections offers various services to assist university students in searching for quality childcare while enrolled in courses at UA Little Rock.

All children need quality care, whether at home with a parent, being cared for by a relative, or in a child care setting. Quality care promotes the optimal growth and development of children. Additionally, quality child care allows the parent(s) to pursue and complete a college education.

Child Care Connections Services

Enrolled UA Little Rock students can receive services from Child Care Connections, including:

  • Child care funding using the CCAMPIS federal grant program (based on eligibility).
  • Consultation appointments to navigate child care services in central Arkansas.
  • Wrap-around services with referrals to the Care Team, Student Support Specialists, Trojan Food Pantry, and other campus and community resources.

Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)

UA Little Rock has been awarded the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) federal grant worth more than $580,000 from the U.S. Department of Education. This grant will help pay childcare expenses for low-income and single-parent undergraduate students to assist them in completing their college education at UA Little Rock. Child Care funding will be available to low-income AND Pell Grant-eligible students. (Graduate students are not eligible for the CCAMPIS funding as they are not eligible for the Pell Grant.)

Who is eligible?

  • Must be Pell Grant eligible
  • Must be enrolled at least six (6) hours per semester
  • Must have a 2.0 GPA minimum
  • Must be considered low-income based on federal guidelines

More Information

Apply for Services
Apply for Child Care Connections services and CCAMPIS funding.

Satisfaction Survey
Tell us how we are doing. Share your comments with us.

Additional Support Frequently Asked Questions Meet Our Staff

Child Maltreatment Hotline  1-800-482-5964

If you suspect that a child is being maltreated based on something you have witnessed or a child has told you that maltreatment is happening, it is your responsibility to report it to the authorities. Call the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Hotline at 1-800-482-5964.

Those interested in supporting child care needs at UA Little Rock may give via the following ways:
Give online

Mail a check to:
Office of Alumni and Development
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 South University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204
(payable to UA Little Rock Foundation Inc. and designated for Child Care Needs on the memo line)