Seniors Network

The University District Partnership has partnered with AARP Arkansas to form the Senior Network, which focuses on improving conditions within the University District affecting the quality of life of older adults who reside in the area.

In addition, AARP Arkansas has designated the 3.5 square-mile University District area as the location for AARP’s Community Presence Project in Arkansas. The Community Presence Project aims to improve walkability within the area and fitness of older adults; overcome isolation of older adults by encouraging social connections; and, improving public safety and security of older adults who reside in the area.

The AARP Arkansas Team and the University District staff meet regularly with a Senior Network steering committee made up of older adults who reside in the area and representatives of various resource organizations that serve older adults.

Join the Senior Network! Contact Barrett Allen at 501-916-3536 or email at for more information. AARP membership is not required.