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Events for April 2 - May 21

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Event Series Student Study Group

Faculty Writing Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

UA Little Rock Faculty and Staff, need a quiet place to write and grade? Join us for the writing group! The UA Little Rock writing group will gather weekly at UA Little Rock Downtown on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Parking will be validated for the Central Arkansas parking deck. UA Little Rock Downtown […]

Event Series Student Study Group

Faculty Writing Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

UA Little Rock Faculty and Staff, need a quiet place to write and grade? Join us for the writing group! The UA Little Rock writing group will gather weekly at UA Little Rock Downtown on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Parking will be validated for the Central Arkansas parking deck. UA Little Rock Downtown […]

Event Series Student Study Group

Faculty Writing Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

UA Little Rock Faculty and Staff, need a quiet place to write and grade? Join us for the writing group! The UA Little Rock writing group will gather weekly at UA Little Rock Downtown on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Parking will be validated for the Central Arkansas parking deck. UA Little Rock Downtown […]

Event Series Student Study Group

Student Study Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

Study Downtown with other students! Whether you need a change of scenery or a structured time to be held accountable, come study at UA Little Rock Downtown. Open to all UA Little Rock students and students from other professional schools in the area. Validated parking at the CALS parking lot and deck will be offered. […]

Event Series Student Study Group

Faculty Writing Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

UA Little Rock Faculty and Staff, need a quiet place to write and grade? Join us for the writing group! The UA Little Rock writing group will gather weekly at UA Little Rock Downtown on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Parking will be validated for the Central Arkansas parking deck. UA Little Rock Downtown […]

Event Series Student Study Group

Faculty Writing Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

UA Little Rock Faculty and Staff, need a quiet place to write and grade? Join us for the writing group! The UA Little Rock writing group will gather weekly at UA Little Rock Downtown on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Parking will be validated for the Central Arkansas parking deck. UA Little Rock Downtown […]

Event Series Student Study Group

Faculty Writing Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

UA Little Rock Faculty and Staff, need a quiet place to write and grade? Join us for the writing group! The UA Little Rock writing group will gather weekly at UA Little Rock Downtown on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Parking will be validated for the Central Arkansas parking deck. UA Little Rock Downtown […]

Event Series Student Study Group

Faculty Writing Group

UA Little Rock Downtown 333 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock, AR

UA Little Rock Faculty and Staff, need a quiet place to write and grade? Join us for the writing group! The UA Little Rock writing group will gather weekly at UA Little Rock Downtown on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Parking will be validated for the Central Arkansas parking deck. UA Little Rock Downtown […]