Math Placement Tool

Incoming students are placed in math courses based on the following: recent test scores, final high school GPA, and time since high school graduation

Use the form below to calculate your Math Index Score. Your score will determine which mathematics courses you are eligible to take. A student can take the Quantitative Mathematical Reasoning Pathway (QMR) or the STEM Pathway. Once a student receives their Math Index Score, the pathway must be chosen based on academic and career goals. The two core courses – Quantitative Mathematical Reasoning (QMR) and College Algebra are the entrances to each pathway; however, a student may need to start in a different course.

Step 1 of 3

If you graduated this calendar year, use 0. If you graduated last calendar year use 1, etc.
Tests Taken
Select which Tests you've taken.
Course Math Index
MATH 1321/0121 (QMR and Lab) Less than 800
MATH 0332 (Fnds of CA) Less than 700
MATH 1302/0102 (College Algebra and Lab) 700-999
MATH 1321 (QMR) 800+
MATH 1302 (College Algebra) 1000+
MATH 1303, 1401, or 1342 (Trig, Pre-Calc, Applied Calc) 1300+
MATH 1451 (Calculus I) 1600+

If your score is less than 700, then you qualify to enroll in EITHER the co-requisite courses: MATH 1321 Quantitative and Math Reasoning and MATH 0121 Quantitative and Math Reasoning Lab OR MATH 0332 Foundations of College Algebra

If your score is 700 and 799 then you qualify to enroll in EITHER the co-requisite courses: MATH 1321 Quantitative and Math Reasoning and MATH 0121 Quantitative and Math Reasoning Lab OR the co-requisite courses: MATH 1302 College Algebra and MATH 0102 College Algebra Lab

If your score is 800 to 999 then you qualify to enroll in EITHER MATH 1321 Quantitative and Math Reasoning OR the co-requisite courses MATH 1302 College Algebra and MATH 0102 College Algebra Lab

If your score is 1000 + then you qualify to enroll in EITHER MATH 1321 Quantitative and Math Reasoning OR MATH 1302 College Algebra

If your score is 1300 + then you qualify to enroll in MATH 1303 Trigonometry OR MATH 1401 Pre-Calculus OR MATH 1342 Applied Calculus I

If your score is 1600 +, then you qualify to enroll in MATH 1451 Calculus I.

*Note: For co-requisite courses, you must be enrolled in both the 3-hour course and the 1-hour lab. For MATH 0332, this is a developmental math course that does not count towards your GPA or graduation credit. In all cases, you need to consult with your adviser before registration.