The School of Business must pursue a more diversified funding strategy that will help fulfill its vision centered on student success, high quality business education, and economic development across the state of Arkansas.
State-supported colleges and universities are incorporating a more highly-diversified and integrated approach to financing program innovation, student support, and high quality student recruitment. Like their private counterparts, public universities like UA Little Rock have become increasingly dependent on revenues secured through tuition and fees which are inadequate to ensure the growth and long-term viability of a high quality business school.
Private support is now an imperative as the traditional funding model of state and tuition support is no longer viable.
Having partnered with external constituents for the good of our region and state, the School of Business seeks new and sustaining partners who will invest in the future of Arkansas. Investment by external stakeholders coupled with more aggressive alumni and community engagement is key to ensuring Arkansas a first-class business school in its capital city.
We are committed to responding to the needs of our community and seek investment for student success, career service needs, merit-based scholarships, and long-term leadership support for the School of Business. Partner with us as we invest in tomorrow’s future leaders.