What You Can Expect – Counseling at UA Little Rock

What You Can Expect

Counseling sessions in general last 50 minutes. Your counselor is a trained professional, specializing in clinical mental health. You will meet a counselor and should expect to be treated in a caring and respectful manner. We all care about our clients and we want you to have the most beneficial experience possible. Your relationship with your counselor should feel reasonably comfortable, yet challenging. Counseling is a service to facilitate change, and change can often feel a bit unsettling. While you meet individually with one counselor, we work together as a team and meet regularly to discuss pertinent information in collaboration to provide the highest quality of care and best practices.

Our individual counseling services are short-term and time-limited. As part of the initial interview, you will be asked to complete paperwork which will help us get to know you.

During the initial consultation, the counselor will assess your needs and make a treatment plan based on their professional opinion and in collaboration with you. Individual counseling here at UA Little Rock’s Counseling Services might be one of those recommendations.

You and your counselor will work together to decide how frequently and for how long a period it is necessary to meet. In some cases, students are referred to providers outside of UA Little Rock. This decision is made on a case-by-case basis and is determined by the appropriateness of time-limited treatment for your individual situation, our expertise in treating your particular problem, the availability of staff and other resources, and other factors. Also, if you seek services late in the semester, the availability of ongoing services may be more limited. Learn more about how you can get the most out of your counseling experience.


Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at UA Little Rock are eligible for 10 counseling sessions per semester. You have already paid for this service in your student fees, so please take advantage of the resources available for you.

Our Counselors

Counseling services are provided by trained mental health professionals. Services may also be provided by other mental health professionals, some of whom are in training. All professionals-in-training are supervised by licensed staff.


Any information you share during your contacts with Counseling Services will be treated with the strictest confidentiality as allowed by law. In accordance with ethical and legal standards, this information will not be disclosed to anyone without your written consent, except in very specific circumstances as required by law.

Counseling records are entirely separate from your academic record.