Student Rights and Responsibilities

Statement of Behavior

Student actions on or off campus that allegedly violate university behavioral standards, the Code, or federal, state, and local laws, may subject the student to concurrent jurisdiction of, and the imposition of a sanction by, both the university and civil authorities. The university may enforce its own regulations and student violations of the Code regardless of any proceedings instituted by authorities or may proceed with campus disciplinary hearings without waiting for results of off-campus criminal proceedings fear of violating student constitutional rights, particularly the right of self-incrimination. Decisions as to whether the university’s interest is involved or affected by a violation of law will be based on whether:

  1. The act has some detrimental impact on the educational mission, objectives, processes, and functions of the university.
  2. The student can reasonably be considered a possible threat or danger to the safety and welfare of persons in the academic community or to university property.
  3. The academic integrity of the university is violated.
  4. The maintenance of the university’s program of higher education is jeopardized.

Student Responsibilities

Students and student organizations are obligated to assume the responsibilities of mature individuals which are held to include the responsibility:

  1. To abide by the behavioral standards of the university as well as federal, state, and local laws.
  2. To hold inviolate the rights of others in matters of expression and assembly.
  3. To respect the rights and property of others including faculty, staff, students, and guests.
  4. To respect the property of the university and the various student organization lodges and centers.
  5. To refrain from using the name of the university without the express consent of an authorized administrator or official of the university except to identify affiliation.

University Responsibilities

The university community has the responsibility to create and maintain a system of order on campus which includes:

  1. Providing an environment that will enable a student to pursue academic endeavors.
  2. Protecting and maintaining high academic standards.
  3. Setting forth clearly rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that relate to student life and student organizations.
  4. Providing due process for those accused of violations.
  5. Affording students the maximum opportunity, consistent with the efficient operation of the university, to participate in the making of policies and decisions which concern them as students.
  6. Providing a drug-free environment.

Student Rights

Students are entitled to essential rights central to all institutions of higher education which are held to include the right:

  1. To expect an education of the highest quality.
  2. To develop his or her potential to the best of his or her abilities.
  3. To inquire, discuss, listen, and evaluate.
  4. To express views relevant to the subject matter in the classroom and laboratory subject to the responsibilities of the instructor to maintain order and present and explain the subject matter of the course.
  5. To be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin, or disability.
  6. To receive a copy of publications which contain university behavioral standards.
  7. Right of freedom of speech and assembly, subjected to requirements for the maintenance of order and the protection of the rights of others.
  8. To be interviewed on campus by any firm, agency, corporation, organization, or prospective employer desiring to recruit at the university whose qualifications for employment are met by the student.
  9. Right of privacy including freedom from unreasonable and unauthorized search of person, personal property, or assigned rooms in university apartments or housing space.
  10. Right of confidentiality of official records, transcripts, and disciplinary records.
  11. To fair hearings and to petition for appeals when disciplinary sanctions are applied.
  12. To confidentiality of personal views, beliefs, and political associations acquired by administrators, instructors, counselors, advisers, and officials of the university in the course of their work.
  13. To express opinions and communicate ideas by publishing and distributing written materials, whether such publications be official or otherwise, subject only to federal, state, and local laws, and university regulations and policies.