HIV Policy

In support of its mission to discover and disseminate knowledge and to promote humane sensitivities and understanding of interdependence, UA Little Rock endorses the following policy for responding to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

Based on conclusive evidence from the U.S. Public Health Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people living with HIV disease pose no threat of transmission through casual contact to those who are uninfected. Because many people are infected and do not know it, UA Little Rock accepts an inclusive approach that recognizes any individual could be HIV positive. No screening or inquiries regarding HIV status will be made for admission or employment.


People with HIV/AIDS are protected from discrimination by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Appropriate, reasonable accommodations will be made for students and employees who are infected and they will be accorded all rights of access and responsibilities in every aspect of university life as available to uninfected persons. Acts of discrimination or abuse will not be tolerated. Confidentiality will be observed.

Prevention Education

UA Little Rock will provide ongoing training for students and employees that include:

  1. Facts about infection, transmission, prevention, testing sites, and disclosure.
  2. Skill development and equipment for self-protection.
  3. A climate that fosters care and respect for self and others.

Support Services

The Office of Health Services is the primary point of confidential contact for people living with HIV and will serve as a resource to the campus community regarding HIV issues. Support Services and referrals are also available in the following:

  1. Counseling Services (CS)
  2. Disability Resource Center (DRC)
  3. Office of the Dean of Students (DOS)
  4. Arkansas Employee Assistance Program (AEAP)

Policy Implementation and Review

The UA Little Rock Health and Wellness Committee will be responsible for implementation of this policy. Members will review this policy semi-annually or as new scientific information emerges and submit revision to the University Assembly for approval. (Passed Faculty Senate 4/19/96)