Philosophy and Goals

The goals of the Office of the Dean of Students are to educate students regarding the university’s expectations of behavior, to protect student’s rights, and to assure fairness and due process.

Philosophy of Student Conduct Programs

  • Discipline is a functional aspect of education and serves as a student development function of the university.
  • Students who violate institutional standards are the students who can benefit most from disciplinary sanctions that can assist in their cognitive, ethical, and interpersonal growth.
  • Both the interests of the student and the university are taken into account in determining the appropriate disciplinary sanction.

Purpose of Student Conduct Programs

  • To redirect the behavior of Students into acceptable patterns.
  • To perform our educational development function.
  • To teach self-discipline.
  • To protect the rights of all students within the university community.


The mission of the Office of the Dean of Students is to educate students regarding the university’s expectations of behavior, to protect student’s rights, and to assure fairness and due process.


The vision for Office of the Dean of Students is that the entire campus community will demonstrate civility and respect; that student conduct issues will be eliminated through ongoing training and education on behavioral standards, and; that all students will successfully accomplish their goals at UA Little Rock.


The Office of Dean of Students at UA Little Rock keeps the following core values and the center of all initiatives, processes and services offered:

  • Integrity
  • Community
  • Civility
  • Respect
  • Responsibility