John Hendon

College of Business, Health, and Human Services

Senior Instructor of Management

John Hendon headshot

John Hendon, senior instructor of management, is a seven-time entrepreneur and former operations director for a $60-million company who has taught at UA Little Rock since 1997.

In the local HR community, Hendon volunteers as a resume reviewer during job fairs held by the Central Arkansas Human Resource Association and often serves as a guest speaker with the Human Resource Management Association and the UA Little Rock Human Resource Society.

In the Society for Human Resource Management, Hendon works with a team of members who actively work with legislators to provide information on how proposed laws and regulations affect organizations’ ability to operate. The most recent conversation in June 2020 dealt with how a proposed change to the Optional Practical Training by the Trump administration would affect international students completing college degrees.

Hendon has been a member of the Small Business Institute (SBI) since 2006 and has served as vice president of programs, president-elect, and president. He mentors new members and officers and holds the title of Small Business Institute Fellow. This is the highest honor that SBI awards its members. It is granted to those who have significant and noteworthy accomplishments in teaching, research, and service involving small business.

Posted in: 2021, Public Service

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