University showcases British Ceramics with virtual exhibit

The UA Little Rock Windgate Center of Art and Design is showcasing a variety of Contemporary British Studio Ceramics works all the way through Oct. 1.

The 57 ceramic works are on loan to the University from The Arkansas Art Center while their new museum is being built.

“The exhibition illustrates a rich variety of technique and forms represented; ranging from slab-building to hand-building and wheel throwing to neriage and nerikomi, traditional Japanese methods using ‘marbleized’ clay similar to the 17th- and 18th-century ‘agatewares’ of England,” gallery director Brad Cushman said.

Cushman says he has gotten a lot of positive feedback from faculty, UA Little Rock art students, colleagues from other art schools and high school teachers in the Little Rock area.

“I have heard from a teacher in the Little Rock School District,” he said. “She is excited about the new website and plans to use it in the classroom as a resource for her students.”

This is currently part 2 of the exhibit with part 1 having been showcased back in January.

“From Jan. 16 to March 7, we exhibited 29 ceramics objects from the AAC British Studio Ceramics collection,” Cushman said. “Currently, from Aug. 24 to Oct. 11, we are exhibiting 28 other ceramics objects from the AAC British Studio Ceramics.”

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Department of Art and Design set up a website to allow the public to view the artworks showcased this semester for free from the safety of their homes.

“We created the virtual exhibits related to the physical exhibits,” Cushman said. “We wanted to be prepared for the fall not knowing if there would be much face-to-face activity or if it would be a more remote campus environment.”

Students, faculty and the public can access the exhibit online at or see it in person as long as they schedule an appointment at least 24-hours in advance. Social distancing is practiced, masks are required and no more than five people can be in the gallery at a time.

Posted in: Entertainment, Featured

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