February Crime Beat

Since the beginning of the year, UA Little Rock’s crime log has shown 55 crime or fire incidents on the website. Of those 55 incidents, all but one are still marked as active, showing they are being actively investigated. The one incident that is not active is marked inactive, compared to closed, due to the fact it was a mistakenly generated report. 

Early in the semester, there were four fires detected due to smoke from burnt cooking in the residence halls on campus. Two of the reported fires were in North Hall and the other half were located in South Hall. These are still marked as active investigations on the crime log. 

There have been eight arrests on campus so far. 

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Department of Public Safety Chief Detective Roy Mayo said on a phone call with The Forum that the department has been short-staffed and that the crime log will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the actual current state of what is happening on campus and being looked into by the department. 

The crime rate in Little Rock continues to increase, drawing attention from the city’s Mayor Frank Scott Jr. and Police Chief Keith Humphrey. Earlier this month, the city’s violent crime was declared a public emergency. There are currently plans being made to help reduce gun violence, especially programs and resolutions targeted towards younger people. 

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