Minor in Gender Studies Previous Course Offerings

The following are previous course offerings in the gender studies program. For the most recent courses, please visit the Minor in Gender Studies page.

Fall 2023 Gender Studies Courses

In the list below, the courses designated as the Gender Studies Capstone class for Fall 2023 are marked with an *. If you are in your final semester of gender studies coursework, you must get your capstone course pre-approved before the semester starts and preferably before you register for the course. Email Dr. Barrio for more information or to get approved to take the capstone.

Course Description Class Meets Instructor
Intro to Gender Studies
GNST 2300 991/9U1
Introductory course MW 12:15-1:30 Martin, Londie
Women in a Changing Society
SOCI 3333 991/9U1
Analysis of the socialization of women for their ascribed roles, changes in contemporary society Online Avra, Shannon
Family Sociology
SOCI 3346-991/9U1
Family dynamics for self, community, and society Online Avra, Shannon
Family Violence
SOCI 3350-991/9U1
Abuse, neglect, and conflict within the family Online Briscoe, David
Women in Literature ENGL 3340-01 20th- and 21st-century literature written by women trailblazers of various ethnic and national backgrounds. Topics: sexism, violence against women, and social justice. TR 9:25-10:40 Barrio-Vilar, Laura
Postcolonial Literature*
ENGL 4354-991/9U1
Literature by writers from Africa, Asia, and the Americas, who write back against the British empire, exposing the impact of colonialism, exploring the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized, revising historical accounts, and creating “new” literary traditions. Online Barrio-Vilar, Laura
Queer Theory*
PHIL 4380-01
The course will philosophically explore what the term queer could mean. By engaging some of this interdisciplinary field’s most fundamental and most recent texts, we will understand how queer theorists critique heteronormativity, binary gender, and identity categories. TR 1:40-2:55 McAuliffe, Jana
Gender and Horror*
HIST 4390-991/9U1
Horror movies and their relationship to concepts of gender Online Yeaw, Katrina
Art, Children, and Youth
ARED 4326-01
An inquiry into constructions of childhood, adolescence, and child/youth art within a variety of cultural contexts. The course examines historical, anthropological, psychological, and philosophical notions of children, youth, and child/youth art. MW 4:30-5:45 Hood, Emily
Gender Communication
ACOM 3315-982
*This is a 7-week course. An examination of gender constructs as they influence verbal and nonverbal interaction. Topics include the ways communication in families, schools, media, and society creates and perpetuates gender roles. Online (Second 7 Weeks) Thompson, Carol
Senior Capstone Project*
ACOM 4300-9S1
Integration of learning about human communication in various contexts, culminating in an applied qualitative research project and presentation. Intended to be taken in the last semester before graduation. Synchronous online class meets virtually at MWF 11:00am-11:50am McIntyre, Kristen

Summer 2023 Gender Studies Courses

In the list below, the courses designated as the Gender Studies Capstone class for Summer 2023 are marked with an *. If you are in your final semester of gender studies coursework, you must get your capstone course pre-approved before the semester starts and preferably before you register for the course.

Course Description Class Meets Instructor
Intro to Gender Studies
GNST 2300- 991/9U1
Introductory course Online (Second Half Term) Fritts, Megan
CRJU 3312-991/9U1
An examination of victim-offender relationships, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice system, and the connections between victims and other institutions (such as the media, advocacy groups, and government). In exploring these connections, we will address the theory, research, legislation, and policy implications related to victimization. Online (First Half Term) Smith, Molly
Feminist Theory*
PHIL 4333-991/9U1
Thinking critically and deeply about how gender works. As we explore the normative aspects of gender we will consult the work of feminists of color, queer feminists, and trans feminists, as the history of feminist thought teaches us that it is crucial to centralize the experiences of those most marginalized by the power dynamics we explore. Online (First Half Term) McAuliffe, Jana
Gender Communication
ACOM 3315-991/9U1
An examination of gender constructs as they influence verbal and nonverbal interaction. Topics include the ways communication in families, schools, media, and society creates and perpetuates gender roles. Online (Second Half Term) Thompson, Carol

Spring 2023 Gender Studies Courses

In the list below, the courses designated as the Gender Studies Capstone class for Spring 2023 are marked with an *. If you are in your final semester of gender studies coursework, you must get your capstone course pre-approved before the semester starts and preferably before you register for the course.

Course Description Class Meets Instructor
Intro to Gender Studies
GNST 2300 991/9U1
Introductory course Online Martin, Londie
Women in a Changing Society
SOCI-3333 991/9U1
Analysis of the socialization of women for their ascribed roles, changes in contemporary society Online Avra, Shannon
Family Sociology
SOCI 3346-01
Family dynamics for self, community, and society MWF 9:00am-9:50am Briscoe, David
Family Violence
SOCI 3350-991/9U1
Abuse, neglect, and conflict within the family Online Briscoe, David
Jane Austen
ENGL 4370-02 & grad level 5370-0210397/10395
We will study several novels by Austen and consider various theoretical approaches that help us view them from new perspectives, including popular culture representations of Austen and her world. Students will also study a contemporary adaptation of Austen. MW 4:30pm-5:45pm Hunter, Angela
African American Literature I
ENGL 3326-991/9U1
Survey of African American literature from colonial times until 1920. We will consider, among other issues, how race, class, gender, sexuality, and culture affect the construction of Black identities and Black literature. Online Barrio-Vilar, Laura
Migration Literature*
ENGL 4370-01 & grad level ENGL 5370-01
This class explores major themes and mythologies found in contemporary migration literature. We will rely on an intersectional analysis of what motivates various peoples to leave their homelands and what the process of acculturation entails. TR 1:40 pm – 2:55 pm Barrio-Vilar, Laura
Perspectives on Women in American History*
HIST 4372-01
US history centering on the experience of women from the colonial period to #MeeToo. MW 12:15pm-1:30pm Cieslak, Marta
Senior Capstone Project*
ACOM 4300-9S1
Integration of learning about human communication in various contexts, culminating in an applied qualitative research project and presentation. Intended to be taken in last semester before graduation. MWF 11:00am-11:50am McIntyre, Kristen