The Altheimer Symposium Series

Permanently endowed by the Ben J. Altheimer Foundation, the Ben J. Altheimer Symposium is an annual event at which the UA Little Law Review and the UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law invite prominent scholars and speakers to the law school to explore topics of interest to the legal and scholarly community. Faculty and the UA Little Rock Law Review Symposium Editor work together to choose timely and relevant topics for the symposium and to plan a program that will promote discussion of and scholarship on the chosen topic. Selected symposium presenters also contribute scholarly articles to a special publication of the UA Little Rock Law Review that is devoted to the symposium topic.

The Review invites scholars to submit paper proposals for the 2025 Ben J. Altheimer Symposium to be held at the William H. Bowen School of Law April 4, 2025.

Call for Papers

Past symposium topics have included:

  • Arkansas Personal Injury Litigation: Risk Assessment & Settlement Strategy, 2024
  • Trauma ACES: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Informed Justice, 2023
  • Protecting the Ballot: Today’s Election Law and Voting Rights Issues, 2020
  • The Law and Unnatural Disasters: Legal Adaptations to Climate Change, February 2018
  • Dark Money and Related Issues: New Factors in the Debate on Judicial Appointment versus Election, February 2017
  • Legal Hacking: Technology and Innovation in the Legal Profession, February 2016
  • Access to Justice, February 2015
  • Choices and Consequences: Health Policy and the ACA, February 2014
  • A Question of Balance: 40 Years of the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act and Tenants’ Rights in Arkansas, February 2013
  • Exploring Evidence: Lessons from the “West Memphis Three” Trials, April 2012
  • Paper Symposium: eConflicts Resolved: Evaluations of Legal Solutions to Information-Age Conflicts, Volume 34, Issue 4
  • Reframing Public Service Law:  Innovative Approaches to Integrating Public Service into the Legal Profession, March, 2011
  • Prisoners’ Rights: The Rights of the Convicted and Forgotten, March 2010
  • Lawyering for Social Justice: Exploring the Role of Immigration and G.L.B.T. Cause Lawyers, March 2009
  • Judging the Selection Process: The Merits of An Election System for State Judges, April 2008
  • A Reporter’s Privilege: Legal Fact or Fiction, April 2006
  • Courtroom with a View: Perspectives on Judicial Independence, April 2005
  • Education Funding at the Crossroads: Outside Perspectives on an Arkansas Problem, March 2004
  • Imagining the Law: Lawyers And Legal Issues In The Popular Culture, October 2002
  • Water Rights in the 21st Century: The Challenges Move East, April 2002
  • The Impact Of Science On Legal Decisions, March 2001
  • Media Law And Ethics Enter The 21st Century, April 2000
  • Children Of Embattled Divorce, September 1999
  • Racial Equity In The 21st Century, February 1999