
To submit your manuscript, please e-mail

What Kind of Submissions Do We Accept?

The editors of the UA Little Rock Law Review invite the submission of unsolicited articles and essays of substantial legal merit. We do not, however, accept submissions from students or J.D. candidates. No manuscript will be accepted for publication before a first draft has been reviewed.

What Goes Into the Decision to Publish a Manuscript?

The decision to publish a manuscript is keyed to many considerations, including the significance and timeliness of the topic and quality of the writing. In addition, efforts are made to keep the Review articles diverse.

How Should You Format Your Submission?

The UA Little Rock Law Review requests that all articles and essays be submitted in triple-spaced format (both text and footnotes). The UA Little Rock Law Review prefers that the articles be submitted in Microsoft Word format, but will accept articles and essays in WordPerfect.

Additionally, for stylistic conventions and citation forms, the UA Little Rock Law Review adheres to A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020) (popularly known as the “the Bluebook”) and The Chicago Manuals of Style (17th ed. 2017).

What Should You Send With Your Submission?

UA Little Rock Law Review requests that you include a cover letter, CV, and abstract (either in the manuscript or in a separate document) with your manuscript.