
How to Get Started (Application and Enrollment)

  1. Apply to UA Little Rock as a transfer student. Check the box that signifies you are a military student. (Make sure you turn in your DD form 214, copy of orders, or a copy of your CAC to prevent from having to pay the $40 application fee.)
  2. Fill out the FAFSA application with UA Little Rock as your school. The school code for the UA Little Rock is 001101. You will also need a Department of Education PIN in order to sign your FAFSA electronically. This will help you get any other financial aid, above and beyond Tuition Assistance.
  3. Send any other college transcripts to the following address:
    UA Little Rock
    Office of Admissions
    2801 S. University Ave
    Little Rock, AR 72204
    This includes your CCAF transcript.
  4. Apply for scholarships. (Denman Brother’s Scholarship is one strictly for military students.)