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Wigand to Present Paper at British Academy

Professor Rolf Wigand and fellow co-authors will present their paper on team leadership skills in managing virtual teams at the British Academy of Management meeting Saturday to Monday, Sept. 11 to 13, at Cardiff University.

The paper, co-authored by Wigand and colleagues from the University of Munich, Technical University of Munich, and University of South Carolina, is one of the results of his multi-year research grant, “Communication, Trust and Leadership in Virtual Organization and Teams.”

The latest paper studies leadership as a key challenge of virtual teams. Results of research reveal the importance of inspirational leadership influencing attitudinal outcomes – trust in leadership and cohesion.

“The effect of leadership is shown to be dependent on cultural as well as personal values of followers indicating the need to consider individual factors in the process of managing virtual teams,” said Wigand, a professor in the Donaghey College of Information Technology (EIT) and the College of Business, UALR’s Maulden-Entergy Chair, and Distinguished Professor of Information Science and Management.

He and his colleague, Samar Swaid, just published “The Effect of Perceived Site-to-Store Service Quality on Perceived Value and Loyalty Intentions in Multichannel Retailing,” appearing in the current issue of the International Journal of Management.