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History Prof Authors Alexander the Great Book

Dr. Edward M. Anson, professor in the UALR Department of History, recently published “Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues,” in both hardcover and paperback by Bloomsbury Publishing.

Dr. Edward M. Anson, professor, UALR Department of History

Anson, a specialist in the Hellenistic Era, examines Alexander the Great’s life and career through the major issues surrounding his reign.

According to Anson, the book is “designed to bring new clarity to the contentious history of Alexander the Great.”

“When Alexander the Great died in 323 BC without a chosen successor, he left behind a huge empire and ushered in a turbulent period, as his generals fought for control of vast territories,” said Anson.

An avid researcher and author in the field of ancient history for the past 39 years, Anson’s focus has led him to publish numerous journals and book chapters in his 36 years at UALR including the book, “Eumenes of Cardia: A Greek among Macedonians” in 2004.

He has also published a co-edited volume with Victor Alonso Troncoso, “After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochi (323-281 BC),” courtesy of Oxbow Books/The David Brown Publishing Company in Oakville, Conn.

“This is a major publication devoted to the successors and contains eighteen papers reflecting current research.”