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New employee wellness coordinator plans to make a difference on UALR campus

Karl Lenser, UALR's new employee wellness coordinator, works with Marie Sandusky, UALR's director of health services.

Karl Lenser knows.

That momentum and those good intentions to get active, to eat healthier meals, and to change habits are starting to fade.

For many people, New Year’s resolutions have a shorter shelf life than the holiday decorations now packed neatly out of sight.

As the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s new employee wellness coordinator, Lenser’s task is to aid faculty and staff in their attempts to develop lasting healthy routines.

It’s a job he enjoys.

“I like helping people,” Lenser said. “I’m trying to help people live better.”

Employee wellness coordinator is a new position for the university, and Lenser sees his role as a combination of coach, educator, and motivator.

Karl Lenser, UALR's new employee wellness coordinator, works with Marie Sandusky, UALR's director of health services.
Karl Lenser, UALR’s new employee wellness coordinator, works with Marie Sandusky, UALR’s director of health services.

Marie Sandusky, director of the Office of Health Services, said there was a need for a position devoted fully to employee wellness.

Lenser, who is available to assist with everything from weight loss coaching to one-on-one fitness consultations, encourages any employee looking to make a healthy lifestyle change to contact him at 501.907.8974 or send an email to

“If we just get the word out that this is available, I think the wellness culture on campus will grow as more employees come to see the benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle,” Lenser said.

He has experience in leading wellness programs and initiatives in higher education, fitness centers, and corporate locations. In addition, Lenser taught a health class for numerous years.

“And he lives it, too,” said Sandusky, who is not only his supervisor but is his first employee training client.

Lenser, who started at UALR on Nov. 23, is a long- distance runner and also enjoys cycling, weightlifting, volleyball, pingpong, and aquatic workouts.

“I practice what I preach,” Lenser said. “It’s hard to be a good spokesperson if you don’t live it.”

An employee wellness committee will set the vision, mission, and objectives of Lenser’s outreach efforts. In the meantime, he’s ready to motivate employees trying to lose weight, improve their blood pressure, establish a realistic fitness routine, or just get moving.

Lenser is leading an upcoming workshop for employees, “How to Win the Weight Loss War,” from noon to 12:45 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 28, in the Donaghey Student Center (DSC) Leadership Lounge (Room 205G). To RSVP, click hereHe also plans to send health tips to employees on a regular basis.