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UALR Emerging Analytics Center on display at Virtual Reality Summit

Dr. Carolina Cruz-Neira with a virtual human skeleton in the background

The Emerging Analytics Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock will provide a comprehensive display of innovative virtual reality and augmented reality technology at Rising Media’s Virtual Reality Summit April 11-12 in New York City.

The Virtual Reality Summit is Rising Media’s latest conference and expo dedicated to advancing and exploring frontier technologies. The event features a two-day conference program covering both the current and future markets of VR/AR (virtual reality/augmented reality) across a full spectrum of industries, including investment, marketing and advertising, entertainment, gaming, journalism, and architecture.

Dr. Carolina Cruz-Neira, director of the Emerging Analytics Center, will also deliver a session, “Beyond Fun and Games: VR as a Tool of the Trade,” at the Virtual Reality Summit.

In addition, the center will showcase several of its current projects at the summit, including  its interactive and immersive virtual reality table, “Anatomical Eyes.” Anatomical Eyes allows the user to interactively dissect a virtual human body as a medical and educational resource.

One of the center’s mobile apps on display allows users to experience UALR’s Al Baleed archaeology site in Oman. Al Baleed is a large ancient and medieval port city on the Indian Ocean coast in southern Oman.

Other applications on display include two Oculus Rift apps. “Potel: Interactive Pottery and 3D Printing” and “IsoSculpt,” which allow users to create pottery and sculptures in a virtual environment.