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Registration open for summer gifted and talented youth event

A SLUFY instructor teaches gifted children the finer points of making windmills in the SLUFY program.

The Summer Laureate University for Youth (SLUFY) program is accepting applications for this year’s educational event for high-ability students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

This summer’s programming is set to run 12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. daily from July 11 to July 22.

Now in its 37th year, SLUFY is a program of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Jodie Mahony Center that gives high-ability youths the opportunity to explore their interests and talents through classes in a variety of subjects.

Certified master teachers, graduate students in gifted and talented education, and other experts enthusiastically help these youths learn and grow in new, exciting ways.

Courses offered involve fun, hands-on activities in math, science, the arts, social studies, and language arts, all targeted to specific age groups.

While kindergarteners might explore the deep sea in activities such as “Just Keep Swimming,” seventh- and eighth-graders can help engineer solutions to a hypothetical disease outbreak in “Outbreak Alert!”

For a full list of courses, to inquire about scholarships, or to register online, check out