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UALR grad students analyze export opportunities for small business owners

Graduate assistants Luis Cabanellas (left) and Martial Trigeaud (right) work on an Export Snapshot report at the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center.

Two University of Arkansas at Little Rock graduate students are helping the Arkansas Small Business Technology and Development Center give small business owners an edge in determining export opportunities.

The Export Snapshot, designed to give small businesses a sense of their international opportunities for exporting products and services, is the center’s newest tool. Like all of the center’s market research services, Export Snapshot is available to the center’s clients at no charge.

Graduate Assistants Martial Trigeaud and Luis Cabanellas are responsible for researching and compiling the customized snapshots for clients in each of the center’s seven locations in Arkansas. They work in collaboration with Chris Kleinhofs, the center’s market research specialist.

Each Export Snapshot includes the top five export markets for the client’s industry, the size and growth rate of the international market for the industry or product, plus domestic trends to consider. Internet links to international trade resources, information, and statistics also appear.

“Any type of small business, from a printing company to a honey business, could use this information to help them decide if they want to export their products,” Trigeaud said. “This information gives them a good overview of the export market in other countries.”

Since few small businesses in Arkansas export their products, international customers represent an untapped market opportunity that many Arkansas businesses overlook.

In addition to Export Snapshot, Trigeaud and Cabanellas also assist with client consultations, conducting market research, geographic information system mapping, and translating documents, among other duties, at the center.

More information about Martial Trigeaud and Luis Cabanellas

Trigeaud is a 29-year-old MBA student from Angouleme, France. He moved to Little Rock so his wife could pursue a doctorate in applied science in neurochemistry and work at the UALR Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Poitiers in 2008 and a master’s degree in engineering industrial management in 2011. In addition to his MBA, he is also pursuing a certificate in business analytics.

Having already worked as a production manager at multiple large European packaging companies, Trigeaud is excited to learn about the small business side of the equation through his work at the center.

“My background is related to industries and big businesses, but I was interested to see the other side with small businesses,” Trigeaud said. “I believe the economy of a country is based on small businesses, so it is very helpful for organizations like ASBTDC to help new small business owners.”

Cabanellas, a native of Madrid, Spain, has been in Arkansas since becoming a high school exchange student in 2009. He earned a bachelor’s degree of business administration in finance from UALR in 2015. He is currently pursuing his MBA as well as a business analytics certificate.

After graduation, Cabanellas would like to work in marketing. He believes the experience he gained from the center will be an asset during his job search.

“They were kind enough to give me a job that will give me professional experience that will look good on my resume and give me an opportunity to get hired after I graduate,” Cabanellas said. “For me, it’s about the real world experience. I am helping people, and helping actual businesses, not simply learning about case studies.”

In the upper right photo, graduate assistants Luis Cabanellas (left) and Martial Trigeaud (right) work on an Export Snapshot report at the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center.