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Cushman’s show “Shadows in the Water” on display at Pulaski Tech

Brad Cushman

The director of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Art Gallery, Brad Cushman, has been selected for an art show at Pulaski Technical College. 

“Shadows in the Water” will be on display through Nov. 10 in Pulaski Tech’s Windgate Gallery in the Center for Humanities and Arts, 3000 W. Scenic Drive in North Little Rock. The show features work created by Cushman from 1992 to the present.

Cushman is a studio artist, curator, educator, and art collector. He has been the gallery director at UALR since 2000. He received a Master of Fine Arts in painting from the Cranbrook Academy of Art.

Several new mixed media paintings will be included in this exhibit. Musical scores are incorporated into many of the new visual compositions with music written by James Wintle, who passed away in 2013. Cushman and Wintle were colleagues at Southeastern Oklahoma State University for 12 years. They often discussed ideas about art and music.

Brad Cushman's collage, "Shadows in the Water I," is featured in his art show at Pulaski Technical College.
Brad Cushman’s collage, “Shadows in the Water I,” is featured in his art show at Pulaski Technical College.

Inspired by the handwritten quality of Wintle’s scores, Cushman created new work in honor of his former colleague. The paintings celebrate texture and color. Collages are creatively incorporated into the painted compositions. The artist created envelops using rice paper to hold collages. The transparent quality of the rice paper allows the viewer to see the collage, but the images are veiled.

Cushman’s photography-based works, “Film/Strip/Tease” and “Basement Games, Cir. 1967,” are also included in this show. In 2001, Cushman was awarded the Grand Award for the 44th Annual Delta Exhibition for “Film/Strip/Tease.” “Basement Games, Cir. 1967” originated from Cushman’s work with imagery from his family photo albums.

“Photographs tease our memory into remembering and forgetting certain elements of our past,” Cushman said. “Fascinated with how we read photographs, I used my personal history as a departure point for making this work.”

The gallery is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday.

For more information, contact Debra Woods at 501.812.2715.