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UALR seeking requests to make university more accessible

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Chancellor’s Committee on the Americans with Disabilities Act is looking for input from the university community to make the university more accessible. 

The committee is taking funding requests to improve physical access to the university and access to classes and activities at the university. This includes requests from the William H. Bowen School of Law and the Benton Center.

Funds from the committee are spent creating and maintaining usable, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable learning environments by improving access to the university and its programs and services. Decisions regarding the funding requests will be announced after the committee meets in the spring 2017 semester.

To make a request, visit the committee’s website and select “Make a Request.”

For more information, contact Sharon Downs, assistant vice provost for student affairs –  inclusion and wellness, at 501.569.8668 or