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Sequoyah National Research Center receives grant to allow public to search collections online

Dr. Daniel Littlefield, director of the Sequoyah National Research Center, stands among the center's extensive collection of Native American information. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UA Little Rock Communications.

The Sequoyah National Research Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (SNRC) has received a $22,283 grant from the Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resources Council to allow online access to its extensive collections. 

Currently, the center’s databases contain newspaper indices, tribal enrollment information, documents, and Native American obituaries. With this grant, the center will be able to consistently format all entries in their databases and implement a user-friendly search function on the website.

In this project, the center will consolidate the current database records and create a standardized data model. After the data model is created, a web developer will analyze user needs and create a new search interface to help patrons explore the collections. This project will help researchers across the world find the information they need without physically visiting the research center.

The Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resources Council provides grants to state-owned properties for management, stewardship, and acquisition of natural areas, historic sites, and outdoor recreation areas owned by the state of Arkansas.

In the upper right photo, Dr. Daniel Littlefield, director of the Sequoyah National Research Center, stands among the center’s extensive collection of Native American information.  Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UA Little Rock Communications.