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UA Little Rock begins weekly walking program for employees

Students walk along the campus of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UA Little Rock Communications.

University of Arkansas at Little Rock employees who want to start working out and getting in shape with good company can look forward to the university’s newest Employee Wellness initiative.

During the “Walk & Talk” program, UA Little Rock faculty and staff members are invited to take 30-minute walks with their fellow employees every Tuesday and Friday. The walks, which start Tuesday, Sept. 19, will begin at noon in front of Ottenheimer Library.

“Come to ‘Walk & Talk’ on Tuesdays and Fridays and enjoy an invigorating 30-minute walk with fellow employees,” Employee Wellness Coordinator Karl Lenser said. “This is an opportunity to get some fresh air, burn calories, and reduce your stress. Walk at your own pace as the format is casual and conversational.”

For more information, contact Lenser at 501.907.8974 or