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Graduating Student Spotlight: Lindsey Stroud

Lindsey Stroud

Lindsey Stroud, assistant to Dean Julien Mirivel in the College of Social Sciences and Communications, will graduate from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock this December with a Master of Arts in Professional and Technical Writing

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m 27 and live in Jacksonville with my husband, Lance. I love to do yoga and hang out with my family and two dogs, Rhea and Athena.

I also graduated with a bachelor’s degree in professional and technical writing in 2015. I’m lucky and blessed to have come away with two degrees from UA Little Rock. Now I work as an assistant to Dean Julien Mirivel.

Why did you choose UA Little Rock?

My dad always said to me that you are going to go to college. I thought college would be a good way to explore career paths. I could have worked, but I felt like I would have stayed at the same place in life and I wouldn’t have progressed.

Going to UA Little Rock helped me because I could go back and forth as a commuter, have the support of my family, and still have the college experience. Nobody in my family went to college. I’m the first generation. I think it’s very much an accomplishment in my life.

Why did you decide to major in professional and technical writing?

I decided I wanted to go into professional and technical writing when I walked out of my Composition II class with Dr. Toran Isom. She lit a fire under me to progress with writing, and I was focused on going all the way with professional and technical writing. She told me what classes to take and all the great things about the program. The PTW program is very versatile. Writing is a part of a lot of careers, and it’s nice to be able to have a skill that is valued today.

Who were your mentors?

One of my main mentors during my undergraduate experience was Jenny Dodson in the Student Experience Center. I worked there for three years and moved my way up to an orientation fellowship. It is a very team-based environment, and everyone is really supportive. They have one common goal: to make UA Little Rock a great university and allow all students the opportunity to have the college experience.

When I found my major, Dr. Karen Kuralt was very supportive, and I could always come to her for questions. Dr. Joe Williams currently serves as my committee chair for my master’s degree. Joe has been there every step of the way.

What were some of your extracurricular activities at UA Little Rock?

I was a part of the charter class of Kappa Delta Sorority. We were the first to start at UA Little Rock. We did philanthropic events for Prevent Child Abuse America. It was a very rewarding experience. Kappa Delta was a huge support system and allowed me to not only network but also allow me to better myself.

What are your plans for the future?

I started a full-time position in the dean’s office in the College of Social Sciences and Communications in August. I have my first 90-day review coming up soon, so I think I am going to keep focusing on my career here at UA Little Rock. In the summer, I plan to start working on a graduate certificate in strategic communication from the School of Mass Communication.

What is your advice for future UA Little Rock students?

Don’t be afraid to ask your professor questions. If you don’t ask the question, then you and probably half your class will never know the answer. I feel like that is good advice, at least it was for me.