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Kanekar receives presidential citation from National Society for Public Health Education

Amar Kanekar

Dr. Amar Kanekar, associate professor and graduate program coordinator for health education and promotion, received the National Society for Public Health Education Presidential Citation for dedicated service and contributions at the society’s annual conference April 5 in Columbus, Ohio. 

During his 11 years of teaching experience, Kanekar has taught more than 25 courses on public health, health education, and health promotion through distance learning, hybrid and face-to-face courses with web enhancement using instructional technology such as synchronous and asynchronous student interaction.

Kanekar has received several honors related to online teaching in recent months. In March, he received certificate for his online course, Community Health Agency, from Quality Matters.

Blackboard Inc., a leading education technology company for teaching, learning and student engagement, selected Kanakar as a recipient of the 2017-18 Blackboard Exemplary Course Program Award for “Health Education Program Evaluation,” a senior-level online course that focuses on health program planning and evaluation.

He currently serves on the Society for Public Health Education Ethics Committee and Editorial Board for the journal Pedagogy of Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. He is also on the review boards of the American Journal of Health Behavior and Journal of Health Education Teaching.