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UA Little Rock recognizes students, faculty, and staff who have passed away

Jennifer Dodson places flower petals in a memorial fountain to honor UA Little Rock, students, faculty, and staff members who have passed away during the 2017-18 academic year. Photo by Ben Krain.

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock hosted a memorial ceremony on May 1 to honor the faculty, staff, and students who passed away during the 2017-18 school year. 

The campus community and families of the deceased were invited to attend the event.

As guests gathered in the Upper Concourse of the Donaghey Student Center, Karen Jarboe, violinist, rendered the songs “Be Thou My Vision” and “Bach Air.”

Dr. Mark Allen Poisel, vice chancellor for student affairs, welcomed attendees and expressed his sincerest gratitude to the eternal Trojans, the phrase designated for UA Little Rock’s departed. He also expressed his deepest regrets to the families and acknowledged that whether they’d spent one semester or many years with the university, their loved ones would forever be Trojans.

Following his address, Jennifer Dodson, director of the Student Experience Center, recited the poem, “We Will Remember.” The first stanza read:

Chancellor Andrew Rogerson and Janessa Rogerson place flower petals in a memorial fountain to honor UA Little Rock, students, faculty, and staff members who have passed away during the 2017-18 academic year. Photo by Ben Krain.
Chancellor Andrew Rogerson and Janessa Rogerson place flower petals in a memorial fountain to honor UA Little Rock, students, faculty, and staff members who have passed away during the 2017-18 academic year. Photo by Ben Krain.

“The ones that we’ve lost still go on with us in spirit

We will remember them.”

Brian Gregory, president of the Student Government Association, followed Dodson with the reading of the names of the deceased. This list included students William Kendrick, Emily Cook, Jasper Cosper, Michael Hargrove, Joseph Pollock, Brad Orell, Margaret Garrett, and Domorion Williams; faculty member Karen Russ, research and community engagement librarian; and staff member Carol Tucker, administrative support supervisor at the Benton Campus.

A moment of silence was observed after the reading.

Before the ceremony concluded, Jarboe performed her final selection, “Ashokan Farewell,” while Richard Harper, associate dean of students, gave the final words. Guests ended the ceremony by placing flower petals in a memorial fountain to honor the deceased.