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UA Little Rock to offer workshop on writing family stories

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is offering a workshop to teach participants how to preserve their family history by writing up their family’s most compelling tales. 

The workshop, “Writing Family Histories: Discovering, Developing, and Preserving Your Family History,” will be from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, in the UA Little Rock Reynolds Business Building room 104.

The writing workshop is great for those who are starting family history research, in the midst of a writing project, or looking for story starters and inspirational ideas. It offers strategies and provides opportunities for developing texts that tell stories about participants’ family members, preserving family history, and discovering ancestors through artifacts, locations, and family members

Dr. Sally Crisp, faculty emerita in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing, and Dr. Sherry Rankins-Robertson, associate professor of rhetoric and writing, will teach the workshop as an offering from the UA Little Rock Extended Education office

The cost of the workshop is $59, which includes lunch and a copy of the book, “Telling Your Arkansas Story.” Register online by Aug. 3.