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Sustainability Day returns to UA Little Rock

L to R: Campus Garden Alliance supervisor Dr. Stephen Grace, President Marion Richard, and Secretary Quinshell Smith

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Alumni Plaza was transformed into an exciting and environmentally conscious market on Wednesday, Oct. 24, with the return of UA Little Rock’s annual Sustainability Day.

The event, featuring local vendors, campus organizations, and food trucks, was organized by UA Little Rock’s Sustainability Committee in order to promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle to the entire campus community.

Sustainability Committee Chairman Jim Carr offered his advice to students and faculty about how they can make small but important sustainable choices on campus.

“Thinking about the consequences of your activities is the first step in living a sustainable lifestyle,” Carr said. “Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Don’t use the handicap buttons on the doors unless you need them. Just take some time to think about how what you’re doing will affect the Earth around you.”

Other vendors also offered their own advice on how anyone can make small changes in their lives that will go a long way in helping the environment.

“Recycling isn’t as difficult as a lot of people think it is, and collectively it goes a long way towards building a better future for the planet,” said Molly Gallaher of Pup Eats Dog Treats. “Buying locally and supporting your local farmers is another way to ensure that you know where your food is coming from and that it was made in an environmentally friendly way.”

For those who preferred something sweet, Rosalind Porter came all the way from New Orleans with her unique selection of the city’s famous pralines.

“I’ve got pralines for vegans that are plant-based. I’ve got pralines for diabetics,” Porter said. “I’ve got my own flavors and I’ve got the regular kind too. Everyone should be conscious of both the environment and their own health, and I’m hoping my pralines will satisfy both.”

UA Little Rock’s campus was also represented at the market with fresh veggies from the Campus Garden Alliance and intensely spicy hot sauces made by biology professor Dr. Stephen Grace. Marion Richard, president of the Campus Garden Alliance, left a message for the campus about why sustainability should not be ignored.

“Sustainability is important because our planet is important. Because people are important. It’s as simple as that,” said Richard. “The Campus Garden Alliance is committed to this by both providing fresh, organic food for the campus food pantry and teaching sustainability lessons throughout the year.”

Sustainability committee member and event organizer Frances Frazier hopes that all who attended came away with lessons learned.

“Sustainability is a very important issue on this campus,” she said. “We want our students and faculty both to make smart, conscious choices about what they do and how it affects the planet. I hope that everyone who comes this year will come away with something new.”

To learn more about UA Little Rock’s sustainability committee, click here.

L to R: Campus Garden Alliance supervisor Dr. Stephen Grace, President Marion Richard, and Secretary Quinshell Smith