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Hydrogeologist will detail results of hypothetical study of chemical resolvent spill

Tim Hill

Tim Hill, principal hydrologist and director of environmental services for ATOKA, Inc., will give the next UA Little Rock Department of Earth Sciences EARTHtalk! lecture on Wednesday, Feb. 20. 

The lecture, “Hydrogeologic Study of a Chemical Solvent Tank Containment Area,” will begin at 6 p.m. in the College of Engineering and Information Technology Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

Hill will discuss the results of ATOKA’s hydrogeological study of a hypothetical chemical solvent release from an above ground storage tank at a chemical manufacturing site. The purpose of the study was to produce a model capable of estimating the rate and extent of contamination resulting from a hypothetical spill from a chemical solvent tank.

Two different scenarios were developed for the model. The first scenario describes a chemical solvent release during wet conditions when soils are saturated. In the second scenario, the release occurs during dry conditions when soils are unsaturated and the shallow water table is depleted.

Hill is an environmental leader and hydrogeologist with distinguished international, corporate, and consulting assignments. He has provided leadership direction to corporate and facility managers, environmental staff, coordinators, and contractors in implementing cost effective environmental programs and new technologies for new plant startups, mergers, and acquisitions.

For more information, contact Michael DeAngelis at 501-569-3542 or or visit the UA Little Rock Department of Earth Sciences EARTHtalk! website.