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$5.6 million in state scholarship money benefits UA Little Rock students

UA Little Rock students recieved $5.6 million in scholarship money from Arkansas Scholarship Lottery Funds

UA Little Rock sophomore Taylor Sinnett received an Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship that saved her money when she enrolled at UA Little Rock after graduating from Southwest Christian Academy in Little Rock. 

She has another scholarship that covers her tuition, and she uses the Academic Challenge Scholarship to pay for other school expenses.

“I’ve used it mainly to help with fees and books,” said Sinnett, who is majoring in health and education promotion and minoring in sports management.

For the 2018-2019 school year, the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery has funded more than $5.6 million dollars in scholarships for UA Little Rock students. Bishop Woosley, director of the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery, and Dr. Maria Markham, director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, presented an oversized check for the amount to university officials at the Trojans basketball game on Saturday, Feb. 16. Since 2010, the scholarship program has awarded more than 17,000 scholarships worth more than $58 million dollars.

Proceeds from the Arkansas Lottery help fund scholarships for Arkansas residents enrolled in public and private nonprofit two-year and four-year colleges and universities in the state. The AAC scholarship is available to qualified students who have recently graduated from high school, currently enrolled in college, enrolling in college for the first time, or re-enrolling after a period of time out of college.

Like Sinnett, Joseph Thompson, a physical education and health major, relies on scholarships. He lives at home to save money on room and board and uses his Academic Challenge Scholarship to pay for fees, books, and a campus meal plan.

Scholarship recipients who attend a four-year university can receive $1,000 for their first year of study; $4,000 for the second and third years of study; and $5,000 for their fourth year.

July 1 is the scholarship deadline for students who plan to attend college in the fall 2019.

For information on requirements and to apply, visit the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s website or contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s Financial Aid department: or 501-371-2050.

In the photo above, Maria Markham, director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (second from left) presents UA Little Rock Athletic Director Chasse Conque and Provost Christy Drale with a $5.6 million check from Arkansas Scholarship Lottery.

 Photos by Benjaim Krain