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Political Science Society Named Best Chapter

Iota Mu, UALR’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, has been selected to receive one of its Best Chapter Awards for 2010-2011.

“These awards are intended to recognize local chapters which are particularly active in their departments and exhibit high levels of energy and creativity in furthering the goals of the honor society,” said PSA Administrator Nancy McManus.

The chapter is led by President Cory Liebhardt of Pensacola, Fla., Vice President Brenda Miller of Bryant and a member of the Bryant City Council; Secretary Stacy Edwards, originally from Russellville and currently living in Ward; and Special Event Coordinators Sarah Cook of Perryville, Ky., and Emily Kearns of Winston-Salem, N.C. Dr. Art English, professor of political science, is the group’s faculty advisor.

Last year, Iota Mu members organized an on-campus political forum for state and constitutional office candidates. Candidates and representatives of candidates for the U.S. Senate, governor, secretary of state, and several house and senate candidates for the Arkansas General Assembly participated.

Other activities included a spring state legislative forum, guest lecturers, and monthly attendance at the Political Animals Club held at the Governor’s Mansion.

“All our programs were aimed at university and community audiences,” the officers said in the chapter’s annual report. “We see that as our mission given our capital city location in the heart of Little Rock.”

Since 1978, the Iota Mu chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha has been active at UALR and since 1995, the chapter has won seven national awards for excellence in public service and academics including a best advisor award.

Over 687 chapters of Pi Sigma Alpha are located on college and university campuses in every state of the United States and in Guam.