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What We Call a Smashing Success

Imagine what it would be like to work for a rock star. Not just any rock star either — the One. The idol you’ve been the ultimate fan of since age eleven.

Lea Clyburn is living this dream. She took a job earlier this semester helping Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan prepare his autobiography.

Clyburn in studio

We met Lea at the KUAR studios to talk about this latest development in her career. A grad student studying professional and technical writing, Lea is quick to share her excitement, something she describes as similar to a teenage girl’s obsession with Justin Bieber.

One of my favorite things about her story is that this opportunity came to her through Twitter. There you go, all you naysayers. Social media is not a waste of time. Billy Corgan tweeted that he needed a writer, and Lea replied. It definitely made me think about following my favorite celebs in the hopes of similar fortune.

Lea also shared with us what she loves about the Rhetoric & Writing program at UALR. Teaching composition is clearly a passion. And boy, does she have a story to tell her students for years to come. Rock on, Lea.