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Group to share campus diversity survey results

The UALR Diversity Council will release the results of the campus diversity climate survey at the fourth and final brown bag Lunch and Learn event of the spring semester from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Thursday, May 9, in room C of the Donaghey Student Center.

UALR Diversity Council Lunch and LearnThe survey, designed and implemented by the UALR Institute of Government, was completed by faculty, staff, and students from across the campus to gather information regarding perceptions of diversity at UALR.

Chancellor Joel E. Anderson, who established the council to lead the campus in launching strategic diversity initiatives, will welcome all guests to the lunch and learn.

In addition to focusing on the outcomes of the surveys, participants will take part in roundtable discussions while campus stakeholders facilitate the discussions.

“We’d like to be known for championing diversity with our actions, and the Lunch and Learn series is one small step in that direction,” said Dr. John Miller Jr., co-chair of the Diversity Council and assistant professor in the UALR School of Social Work.

All members of the university community are ask to come and participate.

The goal is to lead by example

The Diversity Council was created under the direction of Chancellor Anderson in order to lead the university in becoming a diverse, multi-ethnic community characterized by an absence of institutional racism.

The council’s purpose falls under goal six of the mission of the UALR Institute on Race and Ethnicity.

The Diversity Council seeks to help UALR in its overall goals of promoting dialogue, enhancing understanding, and fostering respect for all students, faculty, and staff.

Want to present your research at an upcoming event?

“We feel that a strength of our metropolitan university is the rich and diverse knowledge and expertise of our faculty and staff. We are particularly interested in presentations that address diversity related issues including, but not limited to, disability, LGBT, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and the elderly, “ said Miller.

The council is accepting proposals from anyone who would like to lead one of the lunch and learn events. If you are interested in participating in an upcoming summer or fall session, please submit your proposal at Lunch and Learn Topics.