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University honors Business College alumni

Scott Teague with family

Scott Teague had big news to share — but he didn’t get the response he expected.

When Teague called his wife to tell her the University of Arkansas at Little Rock College of Business chose him as its 2015 distinguished alumnus of the year, he was met with silence … and then giggling.

“Don’t you remember, when you applied for graduate school, they rejected you?”

Teague drew even more laughter during the Oct. 14 Distinguished Alumni Luncheon when he relayed the story in his acceptance speech:“Chancellor Anderson, as you’re aware, UALR has very high standards.”

Although Teague said the university was right to reject his initial application, he successfully appealed that decision.

The university community and leaders in the central Arkansas area are glad he did.

Teague told the audience of more than 400 people that he learned two particularly significant skills as a College of Business student: strategic thinking and leveraging group dynamics. Both helped him as a leader on the North Little Rock Board of Education and in other organizations.

He continues to serve on the UALR College of Business Advisory Board — a role he has filled for about 10 years, and he has nearly 30 years of banking experience in the central Arkansas region.

A Mena native, Teague received an MBA from UALR in 1995. He is a commercial banking executive for U.S. Bank and serves on the board of the local United Way chapter.

In his introduction of Teague, U.S. Rep. French Hill told the crowd Teague has held numerous leadership positions to improve the community, but even more impressive is the type of person that he is — a devoted husband and father of three who serves as a deacon in his church.

Dr. Nancy Andrews Collins
Dr. Nancy Andrews Collins received the 2015 Dean’s Award for Excellence

Dean’s Award for Excellence

Dr. Nancy Andrews Collins received the Dean’s Award for Excellence. An associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, she received her Executive MBA from UALR in 2009.

“The program was awesome,” Collins told the audience. “They took care of us from the moment we walked in until we left the room.”

An ability to effectively develop a team mentality and strategy was among the most important things Collins said she learned through the 18-month program that meets on Saturdays.

As a physician who advanced to management positions, she decided to pursue an MBA after realizing she needed to take steps to understand the business of medicine because medical school hadn’t prepared her for handling spreadsheets and other management responsibilities.

Dr. Jane Wayland, Stephen Harrow Smith dean of business, told the gathering that numerous alumni continue to help their university and the state.

“We are proud of all our UALR alums.”