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Retired UA Little Rock professors publish chemistry text

General Chemistry for Engineers

The husband wife team of Jeffrey Gaffney and Nancy Marley, both retired UA Little Rock professors, has published a new textbook, “General Chemistry for Engineers.”

The 638-page book was published Nov. 13 by Elsevier.

Gaffney was Chair of the Department of Chemistry from 2006 until 2016 when he retired to emeritus status. Marley worked as an associate research professor in Applied Science before retiring in 2013.

The couple has been working on the book for two years.

“This book was started to fill a need for a one-semester course in chemistry for engineers and also as a textbook for engineers to refresh their chemistry skills,” Gaffney said. “It was written with ABET requirements in mind and makes use of case studies to connect engineering to chemistry.”

Before coming to UA Little Rock, the couple worked at Argonne National Lab for 18 years. They worked with engineers in the Department of Energy National Labs and understood that engineers need a working knowledge of chemistry to be successful. They also ran a Department of Energy sponsored Global Change Education Program (GCEP) that trained students in a wide range of areas related to climate change. Both served as mentoring coordinators in the Department of Chemistry for the program.

After joining the faculty at UA Little Rock, Gaffney developed a course called General Chemistry for Engineers (CHEM 1406), which he taught for many years and which led to the textbook.

With one text completed and published, the couple is already working on second text, “Chemistry of Environmental Systems,” which they hope to have completed in late March or early April of 2018.

More information about the book is available from the publisher.