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UA Little Rock opens summer class registration

Knock it out! Summer 2018

Registration for summer classes at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock opens March 31, with more than 800 classes available, including plenty of online courses.

Summer credit courses are offered in four sessions as follows:

  • Summer 1 – Nine Week Session (May 29 – July 31)
  • Summer 2 – First 5 Week Session (May 29 – July 2)
  • Summer 3 – Seven Week Session (June 11 – Aug. 1)
  • Summer 4 – Second 5 Week Session (July 9 – Aug. 10)

Current UA Little Rock students can register now. Visiting summer students first need to apply for admission and have their registrar send a letter of good standing or transcript.

Students should sign up as early as possible to get the schedule they want. Financial aid is available for summer classes. New this summer is that eligible students may receive Federal Pell Grants even if they received full grants during the fall and spring semesters. This change will allow many students to pay for summer classes with grants that do not have to be repaid.  For information contact the Office of Financial Aid, or visit online.

The summer sessions offer students an opportunity to complete requirements ahead of schedule.

“Summer classes are a great way to knock out an elective or core class,” said Katie Young, director of admissions. “Many students take summer classes to help speed up their graduation timeline. Others take more difficult required courses so they can spend more time on that one subject.”

The most common summer classes are core classes such as composition, speech, biology and math, but this summer will offer some new electives as well, including Sports Marketing, Sport Management, African Politics, Gangs, and a graduate course for current and future educators who want to study the needs of gifted and talented children.

For more information about summer registration and to look up course offerings, visit