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Mitchell appears in New York Post documentary on Elaine Massacre

Dr. Brian Mitchell

The expertise of Dr. Brian Mitchell, a professor of history at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, has been highlighted in a short documentary about the 1919 Elaine Massacre. 

The nine-and-a-half-minute video is an episode of the New York Post’s web series, “Dark History,” published Oct. 1. Mitchell appears as an expert source who details the history and effects of the Elaine Massacre.

The episode describes the Elaine Massacre as an event in which “Blacks were slaughtered by whites in an episode forgotten by history books.”

The Elaine Massacre is remembered as one of the deadliest racial conflicts in the country. In September 1919, representatives of the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America met with approximately 100 African-American farmers at a church to discuss unionizing. When a group of white men interrupted the meeting, two white men were shot. The sheriff organized a posse. A mob of an estimated 500 to 1,000 white people stormed through Phillips County, killing black men, women, and children on sight.

The official episode description reads: “American streets ran with blood in 1919. In the small town of Elaine, Arkansas, racial tensions turned brutally violent after African-American sharecroppers tried to unionize. A staggering 237 people were estimated to be hunted down and killed in what is now known as the Elaine Massacre. The bloodbath made its way all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. This is ‘Dark History’ by the New York Post.”

The documentary can be viewed on the New York Post website.