Het Adhvaryu, an international student ambassador and fall 2019 graduate, spent his undergraduate years at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock extending friendship and assisting in research to address breast cancer with the aid of nanotechnology. Continue reading “Relationships defined the UA Little Rock experience for international student ambassador”
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences awarded $12,000 in Summer Research Fellowship Grants to four professors who are spending their summer breaks performing unique research. Continue reading “College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences awards $12,000 to promote summer faculty research”
Ingrid Helgestad, 22, of Bryant, has been considering becoming a dentist since she was 14. To encourage this goal, Helgestad’s parents, Karl and Tara Helgestad, took her on a mission trip to Guatemala with St. James United Methodist Church when she was 17. She can remember the exact moment when she decided to become a dentist. Continue reading “Helgestad looks forward to giving back to the community through dentistry”
A University of Arkansas at Little Rock senior who graduated with three bachelor’s degrees has been accepted to medical school and is on her way to fulfilling her dream of becoming a doctor. Continue reading “Triple graduate on road to fulfill dream of becoming a doctor”
Nine Arkansas students got a taste of life as a geologist during the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s second Geology Camp. Continue reading “Arkansas students explore life as a geologist”
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Sustainability Committee has awarded a $2,500 grant that will provide more growing opportunities for the UA Little Rock Campus Garden as well as an increase in fresh produce for the Trojan Food Pantry. Continue reading “Sustainability grant will lead to new greenhouse for Campus Garden, more fresh food for Trojan Food Pantry”
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences recognized its top students and scholarship recipients during the college’s awards ceremony on May 1. Continue reading “College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences honors top students, scholarship recipients”
When Enatha Ntirandekura was a little girl growing up in Rwanda, she would have been happy to finish her high school education. The chance to go to college, and later graduate school, seemed wholly out of reach. Continue reading “Rwandan student fulfills dream of earning college degree”
In 1999, Dr. Thomas Lynch, faculty emeritus of biology, started donating a portion of every paycheck to create an endowed scholarship in his and his late wife Debbie’s name to benefit biology students at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Continue reading “Faculty Emeritus Thomas Lynch joins Dean’s Science Council”
When J.T. Poole graduated high school in 2005, he joined the U.S. Air Force and served his country as an emergency medical technician and military police officer in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Iraq. Continue reading “Veteran finds love and success at UA Little Rock”