Photo of Vickie Austin by Ben Krain.

Great-grandmother earns bachelor’s degree after leaving high school at 15

At age 15, Vickie Austin left high school in Wynne, Arkansas, after becoming pregnant with her first child, though she always intended to finish her education.  Continue reading “Great-grandmother earns bachelor’s degree after leaving high school at 15”

UA Little Rock officials share secrets for success with new students

University of Arkansas at Little Rock students, professors, and administrators shared their secrets for success as they welcomed new students to campus during the Freshman Convocation Aug. 17 in University Theatre.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock officials share secrets for success with new students”

Kenneth Edwards is graduating in Spring 2018 with a degree in sociology. Edwards ran away from home in high school and was homeless for almost a year.

UA Little Rock grad wants to be “a beacon of light”

Kenneth Edwards’ path to college took many detours as he struggled to find out who he was and who he wanted to be. He’s done much soul searching over the past three years, and he’s found his answers. Continue reading “UA Little Rock grad wants to be “a beacon of light””

David Briscoe

Professor presents Anderson Institute’s first Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity lecture

Dr. David Briscoe, professor of sociology at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, recently kicked off the Anderson Institute on Race and Ethnicity’s lecture series, Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity, with his presentation of “How Can Black Parents Rear Their Children to Be Black Americans in a Color Conscious Society?” Continue reading “Professor presents Anderson Institute’s first Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity lecture”

David Briscoe

UALR professor elected president of Boy Scouts of America Council

Dr. David Briscoe, professor of sociology at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, has had a passion for Boy Scouts since the age of 13. Continue reading “UALR professor elected president of Boy Scouts of America Council”