Thomas Bunton, UA Little Rock director of Technology Infrastructure and Operations, holds a sign marking the completion of a campus wide networking system upgrade after installing the last piece of equipment in the Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences. Photo by Ben Krain

Completion of new wireless network brings easier and faster Internet access to UA Little Rock

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock celebrated its conversion to a new uniform wireless network that has greatly improved the internet experience for the entire campus community. Continue reading “Completion of new wireless network brings easier and faster Internet access to UA Little Rock”

FBI Special Agent Shun Turner to speak Oct. 18 at UA Little Rock

Shun Turner, supervisory special agent for FBI Little Rock’s cyber squad, will be on campus to present and discuss topics related to National Cyber Security Month on Thursday, Oct. 18, in the Student Services Center 104 auditorium from noon to 1 p.m. Continue reading “FBI Special Agent Shun Turner to speak Oct. 18 at UA Little Rock”

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Information technology students make a difference with capstone projects

University of Arkansas at Little Rock students who are completing a minor in information technology are using their skills to help nonprofit organizations and city governments in central and northwest Arkansas.  Continue reading “Information technology students make a difference with capstone projects”

Emily "Addie" McClenny

Single mother works hard to provide better life for her son

When Emily “Addie” McClenny gave birth to her son, Phariss, seven years ago, that was the moment she decided to go back to college.  Continue reading “Single mother works hard to provide better life for her son”

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UA Little Rock online information quality program nationally ranked

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has one of the country’s best online information technology programs, according to an independent digital publication that provides resources to students and their families.
Continue reading “UA Little Rock online information quality program nationally ranked”